Red Tide

Red tide happen when microorganisms (dinoflagellates) which are naturally living in the sea undergo a population explosion. The numbers become so large and dense that sometimes they impart a brownish-red colour to the sea. The micro-organisms usually are not very numerous in the seas and thus do not represent a health threat. Only when they become many and are eaten in large numbers by filter-feeding sea organisms such as oysters, mussels and other bivalves that render these shellfish toxic because of accumulation in their guts. Some fishes, which eats these organisms or other larger sea life (which originally eat this dinoflagellates), can become toxic since there will be an accumulation of these organisms in their guts.


This become a public heath problem when people eat these toxic clams and suffer from Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP). In addition, these dinoflagellated organisms become so many in the sea that they deplete the oxygen in the water causing fish kills by means of suffocation.


~Aim for the sky~ (part 1 – goal setting)

Sedar tak sedar dah separuh bulan December berlalu..korang sedar tak semakin meningkat umur kita, semakin laju pulak masa ni berlalu..sekelip mata je..cuba ingat balik time sekolah-sekolah dulu..rasa lama je nak habiskan SPM tu kan?..time tu tak sempat-sempat dah nak “bebas” dari alam sekolah (especially muka yang selalu kena buli basuh baju tu kan..hehe)..nak cepat-cepat kerja, konon nak cepat rasa macam orang dewasa..nak pegang duit hasil usaha sendiri… sekarang ni cuba tanya diri korang tu balik, nak cepat-cepat jadi dewasa or nak masuk sekolah and jadi budak-budak balik?..hahaha..mesti berbelah bagi nak jawab kan?..mesti ramai la yang nak masok sekolah balik kalau boleh..sebab korang rasa time budak-budak dulu senang..sebenarnya sama je..dua-dua zaman tu susah..cuma sekarang korang nampak senang sebab diri korang sendiri tu dah bertambah maju dalam pelbagai segi..mental, knowledge, experience, mind set & lain-lain lagi (badan kembang tak termasuk..)..ada paham?

OK!..semenjak korang jadi orang dewasa ni kan..pernah tak korang review apa pencapaian yang telah korang kecapi selama ni?..tak kesah la dari sudut mana pon..duniawi ke..ukhrawi ke..lepas tu cuba korang translate kan dalam bentuk graph (bayangkan sudah..tak payah nak plot-plot graph bagai..)..ape yang korang nampak?.menaik kah?..mendatar kan?..atau menjunam kah?..korang je yang tau..tak kan muhasabah diri pon nak kena ajar..

Tujuan sebenar entry kali ni bukanlah nak ajar korang buat graph..jaoh sekali nak buat korang menangis mengenangkan masa-masa lampau yang telah dibuang ke parit begitu saje sebelum ni..tapi wa nak ajar 1 tips yang wa rasa agak penting dalam usaha untuk memotivasikan diri..sebab wa ni seorang yang harus di motivasikan dari semasa ke semasa..kalau tak…..Hanyuuttt…..

Lagi 2 minggu lebih dah nak masuk tahun baru 2013..time tu sebokla orang nak renew azam tahun baru..nak buat tu la..nak buat ni la..hujung-hujung, habuk pon tarak!!.salah satu sebab kenapa habuk pon tarak adalah kerana “goal setting” korang yang tak betul..haaaaaaah!..meh sini wa nak bagi sekolah sikit..

1st step: Syarat wajib “goal setting” ~ S-M-A-R-T

  • S Specific A specific goal has a much greater chance of being accomplished than a general goal. To set a specific goal you must answer the six “W” questions:*Who:      Who is involved?

    *What:     What do I want to accomplish?

    *Where:    Identify a location.

    *When:     Establish a time frame.

    *Which:    Identify requirements and constraints.

    *Why:      Specific reasons, purpose or benefits of accomplishing the goal.

    EXAMPLE:  A general goal would be, “Get in shape.” But a specific goal would say, “Join a health club and workout 3 days a week.”


  • M – Measurable Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress toward the attainment of each goal you set.When you measure your progress, you stay on track, reach your target dates, and experience the exhilaration of achievement that spurs you on to continued effort required to reach your goal.

    To determine if your goal is measurable, ask questions such as……

    How much? How many?

    How will I know when it is accomplished?


  • A – Attainable – When you identify goals that are most important to you, you begin to figure out ways you can make them come true. You develop the attitudes, abilities, skills, and financial capacity to reach them. You begin seeing previously overlooked opportunities to bring yourself closer to the achievement of your goals.You can attain most any goal you set when you plan your steps wisely and establish a time frame that allows you to carry out those steps. Goals that may have seemed far away and out of reach eventually move closer and become attainable, not because your goals shrink, but because you grow and expand to match them. When you list your goals you build your self-image. You see yourself as worthy of these goals, and develop the traits and personality that allow you to possess them.


  • R – Realistic – To be realistic, a goal must represent an objective toward which you are both willing and able to work. A goal can be both high and realistic; you are the only one who can decide just how high your goal should be. But be sure that every goal represents substantial progress.

    A high goal is frequently easier to reach than a low one because a low goal exerts low motivational force. Some of the hardest jobs you ever accomplished actually seem easy simply because they were a labor of love.


  • T – Timely – A goal should be grounded within a time frame. With no time frame tied to it there’s no sense of urgency. If you want to lose 10 lbs, when do you want to lose it by? “Someday” won’t work. But if you anchor it within a timeframe, “by May 1st”, then you’ve set your unconscious mind into motion to begin working on the goal.
    Your goal is probably realistic if you truly believe that it can be accomplished. Additional ways to know if your goal is realistic is to determine if you have accomplished anything similar in the past or ask yourself what conditions would have to exist to accomplish this goal.

wokeh..habis dah part 1..sebab aku bukan cikgu bertauliah, so aku salin dan tempek je..peduli hape..janji niat aku nak tolong bagi info kat orang tu sampai..ada lagi lebih kurang 2 minggu untuk u ols draft goal masing-masing untuk taun 2013..i’ll share mine in next entry “aim for the sky – part 2)..adios!!

Peeps, here are some info on the Roseola virus which i just copied from virus just infected my daughter a few days ago..dealing with sick baby is really challenging plus with zero experience and i’m not that high-patient-father type..hehehe..however thanx to my wife..can’t do it without u ♥ wonder why sofea loves u more than me 😥

Roseola is a common illness in babies aged between nine and 21 months. It is caused by a virus, human herpes virus type 6 (HHV-6). It is passed on through saliva, so babies are susceptible to it from being kissed and from putting things in their mouths. It is often difficult to identify the source of the infection. Roseola is infectious before the rash is visible and it can take five to 15 days before it appears on your baby’s body.

What are the symptoms of roseola?
The first symptoms of roseola include:
● sudden fever of 38 to 42 degrees C
● runny nose
● cough
● mild diarrhoea

Your baby may also have a loss of appetite, listlessness or irritability. His fever may last for three to four days, before suddenly disappearing. Once the fever subsides, a pinkish-red, spotty rash appears. It will start on your baby’s chest and tummy, and may spread to his neck and other areas. It will fade within a few hours to two days.



Should I call the doctor if my baby has roseola?
As a precaution, yes. Most doctors will want to know if a child under two has a high fever. Your doctor will ask about your baby’s symptoms and confirm that he has roseola. If your baby’s fever doesn’t go away, or if the rash starts to looks different, you may want to check back with your doctor.

How can I treat my baby’s roseola?
Roseola is a virus, so it will just need to run its course until your baby is better. In the meantime, there are some things you can do to ease his symptoms: Let your baby rest if he wants to, but he doesn’t need to stay in bed if he would rather be up and about. Give your baby lots of drinks to make sure he is well hydrated. Offer him regular breastfeeds, or formula milk and extra cooled boiled water. You can give your baby infant paracetamol or ibuprofen to ease his fever and any aches and pains, but only if he is three months or older. Check the dosage instructions on the packet or ask your pharmacist if you are unsure how much to give your baby.

Are there any complications of roseola?
The high temperature associated with roseola can sometimes cause a febrile convulsion (fit), which can be alarming to watch but doesn’t usually cause any harm. Although it’s rare, the fever stage of the disease can lead to meningitis or, in even rarer cases, encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). If you are worried that your baby has developed other symptoms and his condition is getting worse, contact your doctor.


Can I catch roseola from my baby?
Most people have antibodies to roseola by the time they’re four, whether or not they have had the virus. This means you won’t catch the virus from your baby. Very rarely the virus can reactivate in an adult with a weak immune system, such as someone receiving chemotherapy, and take a form similar to shingles.

..lesson to be learnt..


A man asked his father-in-law, ‘Many people praised you for a successful marriage. Could you please share with me your secret?’
The father-in-law answered in a smile, ‘Never criticize your wife for her shortcomings or when she does something wrong. Always bear in mind that because of her shortcomings and weaknesses, she could not find a better husband than you.’

We all look forward to being loved and respected. Many people are afraid of losing face. Generally, when a person makes a mistake, he would look around to find a scapegoat to point the finger at. This is the start of a war. We should always remember that when we point one finger at a person, the other four fingers are pointing at ourselves.

If we forgive the others, others will ignore our mistake too.



A person visited the government matchmaker for marriage, SDU, and requested ‘I am looking for a spouse. Please help me to find a suitable one.’ The SDU officer said, ‘Your requirements, please.’ ‘Oh, good looking, polite, humorous , sporty, knowledgeable, good in singing and dancing. Willing to accompany me the whole day at home during my leisure hour, if I don’t go out. Telling me interesting stories when I need companion for conversation and be silent when I want to rest.’ The officer listened carefully and replied, ‘I understand you need television.’

There is a saying that a perfect match can only be found between a blind wife and a deaf husband, because the blind wife cannot see the faults of the husband and the deaf husband cannot hear the nagging of the wife. Many couples are blind and deaf at the courting stage and dream of perpetual perfect relationship. Unfortunately, when the excitement of love wears off, they wake up and discover that marriage is not a bed of roses. The nightmare begins.

Orang kampung aku cakap “you have to measure ur clothes suit to ur body”..hehehe..


Lesson #3 – RIGHT SPEECH

There is a Chinese saying which carries the meaning that ‘A speech will either prosper or ruin a nation.’ Many relationships break off because of wrong speech. When a couple is too close with each other, we always forget mutual respect and courtesy. We may say anything without considering if it would hurt the other party.

A friend and her millionaire husband visited their construction site. A worker who wore a helmet saw her and shouted, ‘Hi, Emily! Remember me? We used to date in the secondary school.’ On the way home, her millionaire husband teased her, ‘Luckily you married me. Otherwise you will be the wife of a construction worker.’ She answered,’You should appreciate that you married me. Other wise, he will be the millionaire and not you.’

Frequently exchanging these remarks plants the seed for a bad relationship. It’s like a broken egg – cannot be reversed.

Less talk..more action!!


Different people have different perception. One man’s meat could be another man’s poison. A couple bought a donkey from the market. On the way home, a boy commented, ‘Very stupid. Why neither of them ride on the donkey? ‘Upon hearing that, the husband let the wife ride on the donkey. He walked besides them. Later, an old man saw it and commented, ‘The husband is the head of family. How can the wife ride on the donkey while the husband is on foot?’ Hearing this, the wife quickly got down and let the husband ride on the donkey.

Further on the way home, they met an old Lady. She commented, ‘How can the man ride on the donkey but let the wife walk. He is no gentleman.’
The husband thus quickly asked the wife to join him on the donkey. Then, they met a young man. He commented, ‘Poor donkey, how can you hold up the weight of two persons. They are cruel to you.’ Hearing that, the husband and wife immediately climbed down from the donkey and carried it on their shoulders.

It seems to be the only choice left. Later, on a nar row bridge, the donkey was frightened and struggled. They lost their balance and fell into the river. You can never have everyone praise you, nor will everyone condemn you. Never in the past, not at present, and never will be in the future.

Follow ur heart + ur brain!!

Lesson #5 – BE PATIENT

This is a true story which happened in the States. A man came out of his home to admire his new truck. To his puzzlement, his three-year-old son was happily hammering dents into the shiny paint of the truck. The man ran to his son, knocked him away, hammered the little boy’s hands into pulp as punishment. When the father calmed down, he rushed his son to the hospital.

Although the doctor tried desperately to save the crushed bones, he finally had to amputate the fingers from both the boy’s hands. When the boy woke up from the surgery & saw his bandaged stubs, he innocently said, ‘Daddy, I’m sorry about your truck.’ Then he asked, ‘but when are my fingers going to grow back?’ The father went home & committed suicide.

Think about this story the next time someone steps on your feet or u wish to take revenge. Think first before u lose your patience with someone u love. Trucks can be repaired.. Broken bones & hurt feelings often can’t. Too often we fail to recognize the difference between the person and the performance. We forget that forgiveness is greater than revenge.

People make mistakes. We are allowed to make mistakes. But the actions we take while in a rage will haunt us forever. Please ensure that ur mind is in ur brain an located in ur head, NOT in ur *ss.. 

Goodbye March..

Huargghh!!!!..what a busy month..a month full of trainings and interviews..oppss!! did I just said INTERVIEWS?..sorry boss, I’m no longer interested working under ur armpit..seriously it smells like s**t..the world is u kick someone’s ass..tomorrow someone will kick your ass..twice!!

I just have been called up by Petronas Carigali for an interview session recently. .everything seems to be ok..just wait and see..i keep on praying for my own luck..or perhaps it will be Sofea’s ‘rezeki’ this time..if the  result is negative (hopefully not), I got a few other of it is a freelance job..already got the offer as a freelancer in early May 2012..RM500/day for a maximum of 45 days at offshore..what do you think??..quick money for a trip to Glasgow..hahaha..

My little Sofea is already 40 days old today..born with only 2.5kg and now she’s 3.5kg..growing healthy..adorable sleeping queen..she will sleep the whole day and only wake up for milk and to change her diapers..oh!, one more thing about Sofea, she is officially my new alarm clock for subuh prayer..hehehe..

like daughter like daddy

am i cute?

sleeping queen in her new red stroller

Treasured Moment

(Al-Imran : 36)
But when she delivered her, she said, “My Lord, I have delivered a female.” And Allah was most knowing of what she delivered, “And the male is not like the female. And I have named her Mary, and I seek refuge for her in You and [for her descendants from Satan, the expelled [from the mercy of Allah wife has safely delivered our first child on 20.02.2012 (28 Rabiulawal 1433H) been expected earlier, it is a GIRL..I was with her all the time from admission process, when she was induced later on..and I was there during she fought with the super contraction pain..from ward room to the labour room..almost 12 hours my heart keep pounding really hard..

I knew she can’t deal with the pain much longer..up to one point she decided to get the epidural shot..oh God! I’m a bit worried that time..I do heard rumors concerning the impact of this epidural may affect the back part of your body..that’s what I heard..but after been explained by the anesthetist, I’m a bit confident with it..

..2.54kg only..

mommy in labour room..reading the epidural pamphlet

My daughter was born at 1900hrs (local time ~ GMD+8.00)..she’s a bit small..just 2.54kg..but really was an enormous experience to witness gives me some feelings that can’t be expressed by watch how my daughter came out from her mother’s womb really make me feel to appreciate and to love my beloved mom and wife even more after this..

baby hippo..hehe


Dear my daughter Sofea,

It is such a great moment to have you in my life..i can’t promise gold and diamonds for you..but as long as I live, I’ll make sure that you will get the best from me..insyaAllah..papa love you so much..

Unaware Threat (Energy Saving Bulb – Safety Tips) #2

Some safety tips for your guidance when handling Energy Saving Bulb…

Unaware Threat (Energy Saving Bulb) #1

Currently I believe most of us are using energy saving bulbs in our home…On the bright side this type of bulb keeps part of our hard-earned money in our wallets when it comes to paying electricity bills at the end of the month…But they do have a dark side that needs to be exposed…I believe most of us do our own change out in our respective homes…Please take note of the danger and be careful next time in changing these bulbs in future…Share this with your love ones…

“On the 10th February 2011 the energy saver globe fused at the home of the Injured Person (IP). He did not wait for the globe to cool down, standing on a chair with a piece of cloth and remove the energy saver globe. Due to the heat of the energy saver globe he dropped the globe. As the globe fell on the floor it “explodes” (brake). As he descends from the chair he stepped into the broken glass and exposed mercury powder.

 The IP was admitted to hospital for treatment of the cuts. He spent two weeks in ICU and at one stage it was feared that his foot need to be amputated. Currently his foot is connected to a vacuum pump to remove continuously dead tissue. Long road of recovery is awaiting him.”

mercury affected wound 1

mercury affected wound 2

Vacuum Pump Connected to remove dead tissue from the foot.

* I’ll share some safety tips when dealing with this kind of bulbs in my next post…

Day after day, week after week..

35 weeks bro!!. my baby is now 35 weeks old..Alhamdulillah..syukur to Allah..the baby’s weight now is about and wife was a bit worried on the baby’s condition due to the baby’s weight was slightly lighter than it should be for the past few everything seems to be in control again..another few weeks to go..just be patient and istiqomah..

Mommy to be with her tummy!!

Mommy to be with her tummy!!

730 days…and still counting =)

What’s so special about the numbers? Guess what??  Tomorrow will be my 2nd  wedding anniversary!!!

To my beloved wife, Nur Mardhati, we’ve gone through these 730 days as husband and wife full with joy and happiness. Sometimes tears, cries and arguments are some of the thorns along our path. Yes sometimes it may hurt us, sometimes it makes us down. But trust me if we stay together, no matter how deep the wound is, we will always be as one…standing strong..

Remember one thing, there is no such thing as perfection..husband and wife are meant to complete each have a wife like you is a gift..lets pray for a brighter future..for me..for you..for us..for our family..there are more years to come..may Allah bless us forever..

Happy 2nd Anniversary Mommy to be!!.love you..